At IN•N•OUT™ Dog Groomers of Garwood & Clark, NJ, we have everything you need to give your dog the perfect
cut and blow PLUS+ a whole lot more! We only hire professional, compassionate dog stylists for a safe grooming experience. Our stylists have years of real experience. Call ahead for an appointment and we’ll set you up!
Prices for dog bathing and dog grooming packages are based on breed, condition of coat, and time taken to complete the service. While we'll try to do our best to provide an approximate price range over the phone, you’ll get the most accurate price quote if we can assess your pet in person. If you're looking for a dog groomer in Garwood or Colonia, NJ give us a call today at 908.228.5076 to set up an appointment.
Full-Service Grooming PLUS+
+ Consult:
Groomer discusses the pet’s needs and personality with the owner
+ Shampoo
Thorough deep-cleaning shampoo massage using a hypoallergenic formula containing no
harmful dyes or perfumes
+ Conditioning
Soothing oatmeal-blended conditioner is applied to revitalize the coat and skin, while helping
release dead coat and tangles
+ Fluff Drying
Pets are be carefully hand dried
+ Brushing and Combing
Pets are gently brushed and combed
+ Pedicure
Nails are trimmed as short as safety allows
+ Ear Check
Ears are examined and cleaned with a mild veterinarian-approved lotion
+ Pad Check
Excess hair is removed under pet’s feet to make walking more comfortable
+ Foot Trim
Slight trim to tidy around the feet, if requested
+ Hygienic Trim
If needed, “personal“ areas are trimmed. Depending on the amount of hair, there may be an
extra charge.
+ Grooming Report
Groomer reports on the condition of your pet, records and logs their observations on the store tablet
+ Cologne/Gloss Coat
Finishing touches that prolong that fresh “just-groomed“ experience. Please tell us if you prefer
to avoid perfumed scents